Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Gift of Fear

The Gift of Fear is a book that was talked about on Oprah a long time ago. The premise is that we all have an animalistic instinct when we are in danger, but we choose to ignore it for many different reasons. For instance: we see a spooky guy in an elevator and don't want to close ourselves into a metal box with him for fear that he'll do us harm, but we tell ourselves that we are not being charitable, nice, we're being judgemental, etc and we step in. Any other animal would back away from the situation, but not us humans. Anyhow, this morning it was on my mind.
I have a goal to arise at 6 am and go walking. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I put on some warm clothes, my ipod, and off I went to the neighborhood park that I seem to live at with my kids. I started walking around the walking path (I admit, I was a little nervous leaving the house because it was so dark- but I told myself that the sun would come up soon...) and I heard footsteps behind me. They weren't close, but they echoed off of the rock wall that the path was by. I looked back and saw a man with a hooded sweatshirt on covering half of his face. It was too dark to see any features even if his hood hadn't have been on. So I sped up to put some distance between us, and would surreptitiously look back to check on my progress. But every time I snuck a look, he was still the same least he wasn't any closer. I was getting spooked out, The Gift of Fear was in the back of my mind, and plus the perp was whistling one note over and over every few seconds. Serial killer walking behind me-great.
I decided that it was not enjoyable to exercise when I was afraid, so I started to walk home by cutting through the grass and getting on a different sidewalk that would take me home. I was feeling really good about this decision until I looked up and saw that the murderer was 50 ft in front of me and walking towards me! I skidded to a stop and stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. How did he get in front of me? Where did he cut over? AND...why the heck was he stalking me unless he had some evil plan in his demented brain that somehow involved me?!?!
As I stood frozen, he walked toward me, mumbled "good morning" and walked on. After he had passed me, I tried to still my racing heart, but to no avail, so instead I ran all the way home.
So now, 3 hours later I'm feeling a little foolish, sheepish, chicken-ish...but I'm alive! And after talking to Greg and my neighbor friend, I realize that walking early in the morning when its dark is not a good idea without a partner, or pepper spray...


Maylene said...

That sounds kind of scary. I used to run into the most interesting situations when I would run around the outside of our neighborhood...and soon decided that running at the high school track was much safer (until I had a few weird things happen there too). It's sad but I have pretty much resigned to the fact that living in AZ means exercising at a gym. Hopefully you can find someone to go walking/running with though.

Kat, Ashley, Calin said...

sounds like it is time for a dog! A big mean nasty looking thing that answers to princess...

Im glad you are okay. kat

Jilynn said...

The dog is a great suggestion! I have two you can have for extra protection. . . Let me know when you want me to bring them out! BTW it might just be me but your print is really small and I feel like I need glasses just to read your blog! I love the new background though!

Katie said...

Creepy! That's why I try to avoid exercise all together! It's really the safest alternative.:)Glad you're okay--we miss you! How was Mexico?