Thursday, July 31, 2008

The waiting game is over

The last few weeks have been a waiting game for us. Greg found out a couple of weeks ago that his job was in jeopardy due to the failing economy. He has been job hunting elsewhere and has been hired by a company named Corbins Electric in Phoenix, AZ!! We are relocating our family within the next few weeks and are looking forward to a fresh start in a place where I just might melt in the parking lot on my way to the grocery store. On the bright side, maybe I'll sweat these last 10 pounds I'm trying to lose...

This is a pic of Greg getting the "You're Hired!" call. He is in his grubby clothes because he's staining our fence (more on that in the next post) and he's sitting in the back of the car because he doesn't get cell reception in our house so the garage becomes his office!

Some interesting tidbits about Phoenix:
  1. People living there are called Phoenicians...this sounds like an alien life form.

  2. It is the 5th largest city in the US
  3. The street systems are laid out in a traditional grid (oh no, I need to learn my easts and wests.)

  4. The highest temperature ever recorded was only 122 degrees.

  5. The highest low temperature in a 24 hour period was 92 degrees.

6. They don't have daylight savings time....

I do want to publicly thank all of those who toiled on their knees and asked the Lord to bless worked! We have felt closer to the spirit and have felt the windows of Heaven opened up to our family.


Maylene said...

We're so glad you guys are coming here to suffer through the heat with the rest of us! It is always a little sad when everyone gets together on holidays or other occasions and you guys aren't around to hang out with. Congratulations on the job...see you soon!

Jilynn said...

7. It is a 115 degrees today.
Not trying to scare you or anything, just remember it's a dry heat (somehow that is supposed to make it more tolerable). We are so excited!!!!

Heather Shepherd said...

I don't know if you remember me or not, this is Greg's cousin Heather. I just found your blog from Jilynn's (yeah, I stalk her too!)

We come to the Phoenix area for Baseball Spring Training in March. It is quite warm from me even then...

Maybe next year we can all get together. We tried with Mark & Maylene this year, but they were sick :(

Congrats on the new job Greg!