Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Fence

Greg has been home this week and has been working on staining the fence, since in the five years we've lived here, has never been done. He had to clean it first by spraying the boards down with some chemical and rinsing it off, wait for it to dry, then stain it. Easy, right?

Riiiiiight (said in a unbelieving sarcastic way). The cleaning took two days and my arms and his are both sore. The drying took a day, and today he started staining, but won't be able to finish. Maybe tomorrow!

I have figured out (because I'm a smarty pants) that a home improvement project never is as quick and easy as the Do-It-Yourself Network on TV makes it seem. I always double the amount of time I think it's going to take, then times that number by 3,000 hours and then I'm usually close in my estimation.

This is the before...notice the crusty white hard water stains from the sprinkler

This is during...notice the red tones of the cleaned wood on the right hand side. Can anyone say "sore hamstrings?"

Ahhhh, father- son bonding


Jilynn said...

Lookin' good!

Janie said...

Hello friend. Tell Joelle that I missed her in Sunbeam class today. And Tory misses football, and I miss females. That probably didn't sound right, but you know what I mean.