Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day of School!!!

Yeah!! That's right, this morning I sent Scottie and Tyler off to school with tears in my eyes...of gratitude! Just Kidding! I actually have mixed feelings about the school year. The end of summer means I have to turn into the taskmaster in order for everything to get done. Summer is so lax that I will miss that, but I know the kiddos are ready to go back. They woke up early this morning and were dressed and ready to go by starts at 8:20. Joelle, of course had to get dressed and Greg, Joelle, and I all took the boys. We walked them to the playground, hung out for a while and when it was time to kiss and say goodbye, a certain little female was quite miffed that she didn't get to stay. She is so ready for school!


Jilynn said...

Finally! I have been waiting for this blog for so long! The kids look great and I am happy to see that Scottie is wearing a polo shirt after that big fit he threw! Miss you!

Elder Esplin said...

Hey, I found you! It's so good to hear from you. I too have a blog I just started. Now I can add you to mine and my little list will seem bigger! The kids are huge! They are also adorable. This will be fun to keeo in touch. We miss you! Love you.