Monday, September 22, 2008

The Bully is Bullied...

Scottie came home from school today completely dejected, wondering aloud when we were going to move back to California. WHAT?!? On Friday, he was telling me how much he loves Arizona, and today he changes his tune. Is this a sullen pre-teen thing? Are raging hormones overtaking his body and he is feeling anger for no particular reason? No, no, he is being bullied at school by the Alpha Male 5th and 6th graders.
It was bound to happen. What goes around comes around. He is learning the Golden Rule: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." He treats Tyler just like these older boys are treating him. And while I can't say that to him at the moment, since he is just too upset to actually hear anything- I, instead am venting my frustration by blogging!
This is the straw that broke the camels back. I had a great, productive day...only to feel totally irritated tonight instead of feeling proud of my accomplishments. This disappointment I feel is a tool of the adversary, who would have us feel down about ourselves, so that we start to despair. GRRRRRRRRR...Satan is good at what he does.
In the spirit of gratitude, I am grateful that it is almost my bedtime. I am soooo looking forward to going to bed.


Janie said...

I think Scottie is in tune with the spirit and really does feel that you should move back to California.

No vaca to Mexico this October for the Christensens. If you and Greg want to go however, tell me and I will arrange one of the condos for you.

Maylene said...

That's no fun. Seriously, kids can be so mean to each other. I guess it doesn't help that Scottie is the new kid in his class. I think Scottie is a pretty cool kid (although, I suppose my opinion doesn't really count!) :)

Katie said...

I've got to agree with Janie on this one. We miss you guys tons. I'm sorry Scottie is having a tough time and hope it gets better soon.