Sunday, December 21, 2008

2:18 AM

Karma is at it's best tonight. Earlier, my sister-in-law, Jilynn, came over with her family. She was telling me how she was up last night for a couple of hours surfing the net because she couldn't sleep and I teased her about it. I couldn't understand why she didn't just go back to bed! Well, here I am, 2:18 AM...sleepless in Arizona. If I apologize to Jilynn for my lack of sensitivity will my guilt be washed away and will I then sleep like a baby? Sorry Jilynn!!

Part of my problem was that I went to bed at 9:30- I was so exhausted. Greg came in after midnight and proceeded to brush something off the sheets on his side of the bed. The motion and noise of this woke me up and when I asked him what he was doing, he told me that there was sand in the bed. (Joelle took a nap on his side after playing at the park...with sand) As I started drifting back off, he then proceeded to tell me that Joelle had thrown up from coughing and he had also been dealing with that. So, I started listening for any coughs coming from the upstairs area, and sure enough I heard them. I started bargaining with myself that if she coughed one more time, I was going to get up and make her some warm honey, lemon juice, oil home remedy...then I kept putting off the bargain, and would make a new one that if she coughed 2 more times before I counted to get the idea.

Soooo, now here I am 2:25 AM, home remedy given to Joelle, and she is still coughing...I'm worried that she's gonna throw up and I would rather not be woken up to deal with that, so it seems easier to stay awake. And besides, my mind won't shut off (did I buy so and so a Christmas present? Should I call the family that is coming over to dine with us Sun. night and tell them I have a vomity child? Where did I hide Greg's present? Does Lysol really disinfect doorknobs?)... and to top it all off I have a toothache.


Jilynn said...

I love it! Sorry that you had to "suffer" but i'm glad that you got a little taste of what I go through on almost a nightly basis. Speaking of karma. . . did I mention that I slept almost the whole night through last night while you were up with Joelle? I think karma is trying to teach you something!

Tiffany said...

Glad that you put a link to your blog on your Christmas letter. Now we can stay up to date with you guys better. I started a blog in feb and it has been so fun. Sounds like you are doing great.

Elder Esplin said...

Hey, we got your Christmas card. Thanks! So cute! I wish I had gotten it sooner. Your Christmas card from us will be a New Year's card now that I have your new address. Sorry about the long night! That happens to me all the time. I totally feel your pain. Merry Christmas! I hope Joelle is feeling better soon. Love you.